August 28, 2006

mass surprises

This Sunday, our parish priest emphasized the importance of
the use of short words in human relations. "I love you", "Please
forgive me", and "May I help you?" can make a lot of difference.

Last Sunday, the message was the involvement of young people
in church services. But my mother and I heard this in a mass in St.
Joseph's Church in Victoria St., Singapore.

St. Joseph's Church is said to be the first place of
Catholic worship in Singapore.

Aside from The Lord's Prayer and Lamb of God, only two songs
were sung familiarly, "Blest are You, Lord" and Maranatha's "I will
Serve You".

The service reminded me a lot of the masses I attended in
Geneva a decade ago. Those were more solemn, though.

To my delight after the mass, my high school classmate,
Honey, saw me and my mother. We haven't seen each other for about
five years. She was also on vacation with her mother.

The world is really small.

08-28-06 11:45pm
