August 05, 2006

unannounced fire drill

We finally had our unannounced fire drill today. Most of us
have been anticipating it since last week -- with uneasiness -- after
our quite shoddy fire drill three weeks ago.

My part was easy this time as it wasn't our floor that was
on fire. Nor did we have any victims to rescue.

Last time, my alternate communication team member was tasked
to be one of the victims. I had to do all the ringing of (and running
to the) fire alarm on our floor, the reporting and inhaled a lot of
smoke in the process.

In our meeting last Wednesday, we were told that alternate
comm. team members would have to ring the alarm. In their absence,
the nearest floor would have to assist.

But since I didn't have anything else to do today, I did the
ringing myself and acted as tail during the evacuation. Quite easy.

