July 21, 2006


Only 30 days are left before our trip and I still haven't
booked us a hotel. And I'm getting worried that we'd be left with no
choice but to stay in a very expensive hotel or in a cheap but
unacceptable one.

When I checked two weeks ago for possible hotels, there were
still many suitable ones. This means that these hotels are
reasonably-priced for the duration of our stay, strategically located
and have more positive reviews than negative ones.

Last week, I exchanged emails with the most suitable one for
our needs. Unfortunately, the hotel is fully booked on the dates that
we would be there. I agreed to be on its waitlist but to be informed
of the status of our reservation just a week before our flight is
simply too close for comfort.

So this week, I reread the reviews on the hotels I
short-listed last week and checked on new ones.

When I verified the rates of my new choices, I found that
they were already booked on the dates I want. I was so surprised
because less than two weeks ago, they were still available. It seems
that my choices are also the popular ones. It is no wonder because
from the reviews that I've read, there are only a few decent (very
accessible, good service, many amenities) hotels there that don't
charge the earth.

I compared the reviews of some Philippine hotels with hotels
of the same star rating there and our hotels are cheaper but better
(in amenities offered, services rendered, etc.). It is such a pity
that our country doesn't attract as many foreign tourists as they do.

Anyway, I can't afford to pay so much on accommodation and
yet, comfort is a prime consideration. My 59-year old mother will be
traveling with me and this is her first time to go abroad.

I wish that I could find a decent, affordable hotel before
this week ends.

07-20-06 11:55pm

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