August 26, 2006

Glück im Spiel

"Glück im Spiel, Unglück in der Liebe." (Lucky in cards,
unlucky in love.)

I must be extremely unlucky in love because for the past two
years now, I've been consistently getting minor and major prizes every
office anniversary and Christmas celebrations.

Tonight, I got a 2,000-peso worth of gift certificate for
Nike products.

Last Christmas (2005), I got 1,000-peso cash. In last
year's anniversary celebration, I got a bag. In Christmas 2004, I got
2,300 pesos from the party with the staff of Ople Foundation and an
umbrella from our agency's party.

Before these, my officemates used to make fun of my
misfortune in raffles and other lotteries. There was a time (2001
anniversary celebration of our agency) when everyone of my
officemates/roommates won, but for me. In my supervisor's pity, he
gave me his minor prize (Manila Hotel cookies and envelope bag).

Oh well, if I'd be unlucky in love, I might as well be
fortunate in material things :)

