August 26, 2006

hip sprain

I spent half the day at De Los Santos Medical Center again,
for a check-up on the hip sprain I got from partying last night.

Around 8:30pm last night, the Philippine Navy Band started
playing dance numbers. Some of us went dancing on the space provided.
I must have been dancing vigorously because I suddenly felt a tearing
pain on my left hip. I continued to dance for a few more minutes to
warm down. When I went home, it was already hard for me to walk
straight because I couldn't put pressure on my left hip and foot.

I put Salompas on my hip and took an Ibuprofen pill. When I
woke up, it was even harder for me to walk straight. I took another
Ibuprofen and went to the hospital.

The doctor who first saw me couldn't decide and asked me to
wait for the clinic director. The doctor didn't arrive and I was
again asked to wait for the doctor who'd report after lunch. This
doctor arrived at 2pm.

The first doctor was the same one who checked me a month
ago, and who didn't recognize that my sore throat and tongue were
symptoms of one illness. It took Dr. Federico Malubay from MalacaƱang
Clinic to cure me.

08-25-06 10:20pm
