September 07, 2005

of Joshua generation

Lately, my prayers have been, "Lord, I seek you."

And just as I prayed this during communion on last Sunday's
mass, the choir sang the refrain, "This is the generation of those who
seek the Lord."

It might be wishful thinking. But I treat this as an
affirmation of my prayers and an answer...

Today, I found the song's lyrics...

09-07-05 9:45pm


The voice of one calling in the desert
Prepare the way of the Lord '
The voice of one calling in the desert
Make straight the paths for the Lord

Ref. 1: And ev'ry valley shall be lifted up
Ev'ry mountain and hill be made low
And the crooked roads straight
The rough places plain and then all the world will see
The salvation of our God

Ref 2 M This is the generation of those who seek the Lord
Ref 2 W (This is the generation of those who seek the Lord)
This is the generation called to prepare His way

1. So with His armour fit for the fight
With the sword of HiS Spirit held tight
In the strength of His might
put God's enemies to flight
And then all the world will see
the salvation of our God (Refrain 2)

2. So rallied round His standard raised high
Men of dust now raised to the sky
side by side, eye to eye
"He is Lord!" as one we'll cry
and then all the world will see
the salvation of our God

W Who is the King of glory. who is He?
M He is the Lord both strong and mighty
W Who is the King of glory. who is He?
M The Lord Almighty He is the King of glory!
{Refrain 2 & 1}

End: The salvation of our God {3x}

(Scanned lyrics courtesy of Em)
