September 02, 2005

meine Note auf Deutsch II

I just got my grades for the second term. And I'm happy to
see that I got 1.0 (excellent).

meine Note auf Deutsch II Posted by Picasa

But more than this, I was pleased to
see the note of the Personnel Development Committee Chairperson on the
Memo with our grades:
"We should encourage this. Post this FSI Program and update
on email/website."

Malou, our admin officer and secretary, was first to tease
me to treat them because I got another grade of 1.0. Others followed
suit. Verbo came in, I showed him the memo and told him that he could
treat us instead. He gave a 100 pesos, and Danny, 50 pesos. Now, we
have a merienda of karioka, pandesal, kamote cue and coke. As Em
said: Seize the Day! Eat all you can! :)

I don't think there is any other group or agency as
supportive as mine :) Viva PMS! Viva SWG! Ooops…I got in the wrong
class :) Wie sagen Sie "long live" auf Deutsch?

09-02-05 3:30pm
