September 12, 2006

work options

My horoscope today, September 12, said: "Your work situation is
bringing you more luck, perhaps with exposure to contacts who will
help you professionally in the near future. Look to be friendly
without appearing too desperate."

But in fact, I've been thinking a lot about my work situation. Our
unit secretary told me yesterday that I might get suspension for my
consecutive tardiness in January and February.

But since my officemate Em told me last February about it, my
tardiness decreased significantly.

In any case, I begun mapping out my options last night. It includes
leaving government service and reentering the private sector as I
don't like a suspension in my work records.

But I like the thought of working abroad better. My high school
bestfriend and I talked about it this morning. She needs to have a
higher-paying job to support her three children. I only want to
travel :)

Que sera sera...what will be, will be. For whatever that will happen,
I feel so positive that it will only be for my good :)

There is a line from a forwarded email that I like: God will not
bring you to where His grace cannot keep you. In short, if God
brought you there, then He will bring you through it.

