November 18, 2006

free tickets

I got home from a get-together with high school classmates at
2am today. My classmate Vilma and her husband brought me home.

Obwohl ich schon müde bin, kann ich noch nicht geschlafen.

My classmate Bong took care of the bill at World Music Room
Family KTV and gave tickets for the Manny Pacquiao-Erik Morales' "The
Grand Finale" match on Sunday. One can use the ticket anywhere. I
didn't take mine.

Ich glaube, dass das der Unterschied zwischen Männer und
Frauen veranschaulicht. (And this, I believe, exemplifies the
difference between men and women.)

While many men would pay any amount to get hold of any of
these sold-out tickets, a woman could afford to give it away.

Bong said that these people pay for the experience. Although
I can understand it, my practical nature can't appreciate it.

Meine Prioritäten sind einfach verschieden. I'd rather watch
the match from TV at home and be able to do my household and other
chores in between fights rather than spend half my day glued on the
silverscreen. That's what I did during Paquiao's latest fight. I
cleaned my biggest aquarium during commercials. At least, I was able
to get something done that day.

And this Sunday, I intend to shop for more Christmas gifts :)

11-18-06 3:20am
