October 25, 2006

to learn or not to learn French

I forgot to give the letter of our grades in German to our
HR today. It was given to me by FSI last Monday night and since there
was no work yesterday (Eid'l Fitre), I forgot all about it until

I am considering whether or not I'd take French at FSI next
year. As an old student, I am entitled to take another language
course; without going through the language aptitude exam and interview
like before. But I still need the permission of our office to take
another language course. I believe that only one staff per unit is
allowed. Since Em applied at the FSI for Mandarin, I might not be
allowed. But the fact that our courses are on alternate days and that
I had straight 1.0 since first term last year, I have a good chance
of being allowed to take French.

But I don't know if I could commit another two years of my
life to study French. It seems that I'm missing a lot or that time is
never enough to do all that I have to do.

Perhaps, I'm just tired because this year, we've had German
lessons three times a week. And I need to stay late at the office to
make up for the times I left earlier for class.

And though I'd graduate this December at the FSI, I'd still
take German levels 7 & 8 at the Goethe Institute next year so that I
could take the Zertifikat Deutsch. So if I decide to take French or
even other language course, I'd have lessons at the FSI twice a week
and German on weekends. It'd be another year like this one.

I wonder if I have the drive and energy to keep it up.

10-25-06 11:05pm

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