September 21, 2006

Courtesy lane

My brother-in-law finally filed his passport renewal application
today. He and my sister went to DFA after lunch yesterday to do it
but they missed the cut-off time at the courtesy lane.

I told them before I left for work yesterday to go to the DFA first
rather than Divisoria. But my sister thought that it would be wiser
to have the tarpaulin for my nephew's birthday made first in Divisoria
and to use the time waiting for it at the DFA. But the cut-off time
at the courtesy lane of the DFA is 2pm. My brother-in-law was asked
to come back today instead.

I knew that it would only take an hour or less of their time to file
for passport at the courtesy lane. That was what it took my mother
and I when we filed for passports last year.

I didn't know before that that government employees were entitled to a
faster service through the courtesy lane. Imagine that I lined up for
one half-day in 2000 just to renew my passport when I was already
working in the government. I got my passport then in about a week.

But last year, we used the courtesy lane. We filed on a Friday and we
got our passports the following Tuesday. My officemate got it for me
as I was already in the hospital for my operation. One reason that I
got my mother a passport was proper identification in case my
operation went wrong. I thought that my days were numbered :)

Anyway, I am well as can be expected and thanks to courtesy lane, got
a new passport easily.

09-21-06 11:30pm
