November 10, 2005

in the wrong class

Our teacher said that our mid-term exam would be relatively easy.

As it turned out, it was really a distant relative of difficult :)

I perfected it, got einspunktnull (1.0) and I think, so did
my classmate/officemate Tranqs.

At least, other classmates got 1.0 even if their exams were
not perfect.

Our teacher is quite generous :) If the German Embassy
could just be like her…

Our teacher said that our two-year foreign language training
is jointly subsidized by the Philippine government and the German
Embassy. And I believe, the other seven foreign language courses at
the Foreign Service Institute are also subsidized by the corresponding

We were informed by other classmates that the French class
would spend a month in France. The French Embassy also sponsored a
trip to France for the graduating French class last year. Well, the
French do spend a lot for their cultural relations.

Perhaps, I should consider taking French when I finished German :)

11-10-05 10:40pm
