October 28, 2005

Urgently Needed: Perfect Husband :)

I need to get pregnant ASAP.

My OB-gyne recommended pregnancy, last Tuesday, to stop the growth of the cyst in my left ovary. Otherwise, I should take any of these medicines:

a) Danazol (two capsules a day) for six months
b) Zoladex (injectable monthly) for six months

The objective is to halt the menstruation that feeds the cyst and to treat my endometrioma. Endometrioma is a type of cyst.

But these medicines are quite expensive. The doctor warned me to allot 10,000 pesos monthly. As a government employee, just where will I get the money to pay for my other expenses? :(

How much would an operation to remove the cyst cost? The OB said that it is definitely much cheaper to have the cyst removed than to rely on medicines alone. But she told me outright that if I had a surgery, it wouldn't mean that she wouldn't put me on medication. She said that she probably would, as this type of cyst has a big chance of recurring and the medication would diminish the possibility of my right and normal ovary being affected.

I asked her if I could go by medication alone for truthfully, I am afraid to be cut :) In my life, I haven't been so sick as to be confined to the hospital. But with this operation, my OB told me to expect 4-5 days hospital confinement and 21 days of bed-rest. It's almost as much time spent by my sister in the hospital when she gave caesarian birth last September 19. Ich habe viele angst.

And aside from fear of being cut is vanity. I certainly don't want to have a scar :)

But I should treat this as soon as possible by medication or surgery as my left ovary has already grown twice the size of my right one. By leaving it to grow bigger, I am risking infertility. When the OB asked my marital status and I said single, she jokingly lamented why we (the patients) were making things difficult for her. If patients were in their 40s, with the least possibility of still having children, she'd just recommend the removal of the ovary instead of the cyst :) In any case, endometriosis usually regresses substantially after menopause. It is harder to choose for single or married women in their 20s and 30s who all dream to be mothers.

When she said that I should get pregnant soon, my problem looked worse than when I found out last Saturday that on top of an ovarian cyst, I had myoma :) I couldn't write from the shock of it. And much more after I talked to the OB last Tuesday and I realized the enormity of the result of the second ultrasound performed last Saturday. The first ultrasound on Thursday last week indicated left ovarian cysts only.

To think that I wouldn't have learned of these if my abdomen didn't hurt so much on Wednesday last week (Oct. 19) and if my mother didn't advise me to consult a doctor.

Anyway, I don't even have a boyfriend. My friends and classmates teasingly tell me to just grab any man :)

But I don't want just any man. He has to have the right genes :) How could I have a son who'd be a priest if the genes don't merge well? :) And my son has to grow in a traditional family so that he would promote traditional family values based on his own experience :)

10-28-05 7:55pm



An endometrioma is a cyst in the ovary lined by endometriosis. As the endometriosis grows and sheds every month, the chocolate fluid accumulates and the cysts grows. This type of cyst can be devastating to a woman's reproductive function. If left to grow it will tend to progressively destroy normal ovarian tissue. If it gets large enough or if trauma occurs (e.g. dog jumping on your lap or intercourse) the endometrioma can rupture and the contents spill into the pelvic cavity. The chocolate contents are very irritating to the body and can result in extensive adhesion formation, including damage to the fallopian tubes which is irreversible. Lupron does not treat endometriomas. If endometriomas are drained surgically they will recur. The surgeon must remove the entire lining of the endometrioma to eliminate the chance of that endometrioma recurring (it is possible for a new one to form). If a surgeon coagulates or laser vaporizes the lining of the endometrioma, removal of the lining is usually incomplete and it is only a matter of time before it fills back up.

From: Ask Dr. Cook Archive; Ovarian Cysts


The terms fibroid and myoma are used interchangeably. Fibroids are classified by their location (see figure), which effects the symptoms they may cause and how they can be treated.

Submucous myomas are partially in the cavity and partially in the wall of the uterus. They can cause heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia), as well as bleeding between periods. Some of these can be removed by hysteroscopic resection. During the process of removing submucous myomas by this method the uterus contracts, and tends to push the portion of the myoma that is in the wall into the cavity of the uterus. The decision on which myomas should be treated by this method should be made by an experienced hysteroscopic surgeon. If heavy bleeding is the main reason for desiring treatment, and fertility is no longer desired, an endometrial ablation may also be done at the same time.

From: http://www.gynalternatives.com/fibroids.htm

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