December 12, 2005

return to work

Today is my first day back at work. Thankfully, it has been
a very light day.

It's completely opposite my official first day back at work
after my one-year study leave in 2000. It was September and the heavy
rains flooded Metro Manila, which caused the suspension of work and
classes. Only my immediate boss and I made it to the office. Though
I didn't like to come to the office in the heavy rains (work hadn't
been suspended then yet), I didn't think anyone else could go to work
and there wouldn't be anyone to attend those that needed to be done.
My guess was right – no one else could come and it was a very busy
day. By late afternoon, the rains stopped coming and so did more
work. I was able to attend that evening my one and only remaining
class for that semester.

It just goes to show that we may walk to same path twice or
a number of times but our experience will never ever be the same.
Nothing is constant in this life :)

