December 20, 2005

lean not on thy understanding

Father knows best. Once again, God showed me how true it is.

I applied for a foreign scholarship last year but I didn't
made it to the final list. I applied for a German foreign language
course at the Foreign Service Institute not expecting to pass it but
then I did. Although I've always thought that God has His reasons for
these, I never really thought what those reasons could be.

But this morning, it finally dawned on me how God blessed me
by not sending me abroad this year. Had I passed the scholarship, I
would have been in a foreign land when I needed to be operated on and
just when I needed my family beside me most. There's no doubt that I
would need a surgery this year for my ovarian cyst is a condition that
has been existing for many years now even if it didn't let itself be
known until very recently. It introduced itself when it is on stage 3
already and big enough to cause unbearable pain.

So God let me fail in one foreign course but let me pass in
another so that I would fulfill my need to learn more but still be
near enough my family and all those who care for me.

God is really awesome.

3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding.
3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths.
- The Proverbs

