September 18, 2005


My post today is about chocolates, Schokolade in
German. Am liebsten esse ich Schokolade :)

There's a Filipino saying that "Ang nabubuhay sa baril, sa
baril din namamatay," which means that one dies depending on how one

How does gun relate to chocolate? I thought that I'd die of one :)

Almost everyone knows of my sweet tooth and fondness for
chocolates – from local to imported ones :) I usually get milk
chocolate but I prefer white and dark chocolates. I also like those
with whole nuts – hazel, almond, macadamia :) I also like cookies and
cream – as a chocolate, ice cream, a Zagu drink or tiramisu :) I
could go on and on :)

My classmate in German, Marc, is usually checking if I brought
a Nestle Crunch in class. It is his favorite. In the first two
terms, I usually brought Schokolade. But I have gained a lot of weight
since. So I am trying to lessen my chocolate intake :) But I still
bring cookies ...with chocolate chips :)... to class and drink ice
coffee from time to time instead of cold water.

Anyway, I was just eating a bar of 100 Grand by Nestle. For
those who haven't eaten one, it's a caramel coated in crispies and
milk chocolate. The label also says 30% less fat. I should perhaps
eat two bars, so I will get 60% less fat :) I know, my logic and
math is terrible :)

But I will not eat choco caramel again. Or not as much
caramel in a chocolate bar. I'll stick to Snickers when I want one.
The caramel was so sticky that I though my jaw would lock. And while
I was trying to chew on it, I was thinking what a funny way to die :)

09-18-05 4:40pm

More trivia: Family, friends and suitors have given me various
chocolates but the only ones I haven't had again are Suchard Symphonie
(Swiss chocolate) and Mrs. Fields Decadent Chocolates. And my
birthday is October 3 :)
