August 22, 2007

2007 anniversary fun

We were at the office until almost 10pm last Friday. Most
government employees have gone home by noon, though, because of the
suspension of work due to typhoon Egay.

It was our agency's 37th anniversary celebration. Our real
anniversary is July 29. However, we are used to celebrating it from
mid to end of August because our agency is always very busy in July.
This year, our agency Head didn't want to celebrate it so late so we
had our thanksgiving mass and breakfast at the palace last July 30.
Sportsfest, film showing, Malacanang Museum tour, tree planting at La
Mesa Dam and other events preceded our celebration last Friday.

As I've been with the agency for more than ten years, I got
loyalty award recognition. I didn't win any major prize though :( I
was hoping to get a sturdy umbrella in the minor prizes category.
Umbrellas sold nowadays are very cheap but easily broken. I got a
pouch bag instead.

More pictures at

08-22-07 4:50pm
