January 04, 2007

fit in 2007

For the first time in about four years, I played my Billy Blank’s Tae-Bo video.

And in just 10 minutes, I was sweating so much.

I got my motivation to exercise after a talk with an officemate, with whom I happened to ride the same jeepney with tonight. Though we live quite near each other in Bacood, we rarely meet each other.

She told me that she and two other officemates meet about three times a week to exercise. During weekdays, they join those doing aerobics in Luneta. On Sundays, they exercise at CCP. She said that they used to walk from PMS to CCP, which is about five kilometers.

I’ve done longer than that in my stronger days :) One time, I rode my bicycle from Bacood to CCP, with my cousin as passenger. And after joining those doing aerobics in CCP, we also rode the same bike home. That was 20 kilometers, I think. In another time, I walked from CCP to Mendiola with an ex-boyfriend.

But since my operation in November 2005, and especially since I took Ladogal for my endometriosis, I noticed a decrease in my stamina. Perhaps, it’s a combination of all the medicine’s side effects, non-exercise and weight gain. And I really gained a lot of weight.

Anyway, I told my officemate that I would like to join them. But before that, I said that I’d first do a little exercise myself so that I could keep up with them.

And to think that this morning, other officemates and I were talking about the imminent opening of our office’gym. I told them that I don’t really need to go to the gym because I already have a lot of exercise materials at home that I very rarely use, including an exercise mat, crunch ball, tummy trimmer, twister plate and dumbbells.

Perhaps, I was just being given a lot of reminders today to exercise and finally get into shape.

01-03-06 11:55pm

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